Letter from Zack D. Gill, JRG Minestries, Inc.

7 08 2006

I’m sorry I have taken so long to finish your book. I was in the middle of several 3 part trilogies this spring and didn’t get past the opening pages of your book until last week. I can’t tell you how moved I was by your stories. It was hard for me to read and more graphic than I had ever imagined it would be. It was compelling and disturbing and very worth reading. I have insights now into the war you experienced that those of us who were home in the USA the whole time never could have imagined; even though we saw gruesome video every night on the 6:00 news! Thank you for bringing it all to the surface again for us. I pray that there is an appreciation for the sacrifice and suffering of our troupes now that was not common at the time. I must tell you I had no idea of the isolation and shame and loneliness that so many experienced upon their return. I could barely see the pages of the last few chapters through the tears that flooded my eyes while trying to read. So moved was I and angry at the insensitivity of our culture. And the beauty of the story as you finally began connecting people from the twins platoon with others and family members of soldiers who were killed was overpowering. I called my brother who had been in Viet Nam at the same time just to thank him for his service and discern again his own reaction to his home coming. I definitely feel closer to him and appreciate more what he went through. Again thanks for writing about it. You do your fellow soldiers great honor by remembering them and have paid them a most honorable tribute.

I think because of the vulnerability of our nation at this time in our war on Islamofascism, many of us are more sensitive than ever to the treatment of our soldiers. Your book really brought home to me the ordeal many of them face. I only hope none will ever again experience what you and my brother and the members of the Twins Platoon did.



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